I can not remember the dates as the blog vanished and I am redoing it. The collars we made looked amazing. Lyn has been in a lot of pain and decided to go into the hospice. I hated to see her this way.
It was Christmas and I was going to Australia to spend time with family. I hated to leave Lyn and selfishly begged her to still be here when I came back. She seemed to feel a bit better until I got a phone call from her daughter the day before I left. Lyn was in hospital having a hip replacement. Why? Why put her through so much pain? Lyn didn’t like people seeing her in hospital and I respected this, but today I wish I had gone to see her. I couldn’t relax all holiday.
When I came back I called and no answer on her phone or her daughters. I panicked. For a week I wondered where she was, so called the hospital where she had been when I left. She said “She has gone” Gone… where… no… no… The woman felt sorry for me and when I asked can you please tell me if she is o.k. Lyn was alive and that was all they could tell me.
I finally spoke to Emmy and Lyn had gone into an old persons home. I never knew exactly why and it was too painful for Lyn and Em to talk about. Lyn wanted to stay home, but was not in a wheel chair as her bones were becoming so brittle she could break her back.
This was the beginning of the end for my wonderful friend.